10 On A Budget Travel Tips
I have been to five countries and have traveled all over the United States. Traveling has become very important to me and I try to take a trip of some kind every six months to a year. Most of the trips my husband and I have taken together were 1,200 dollars or less. Which, when you consider the places we have gone and the amount of time we’ve spent, is an insane deal! So, besides the obvious tip of saving money, I’d like to share some other helpful tips I’ve learned when traveling on a budget.
1. Travel with others:
Traveling with people can help you cut cost on lodging, food, gas and transportation. Find a good group of people you wouldn’t mind spending a week with and go adventure!
2. Do free things:
You don’t have to spend a ton of money to explore and enjoy your vacation. Hiking, swimming, site seeing, and museums are examples of some free things you can do.
3. Get to know the locals:
Wherever you go, be kind, courteous and make conversation. You never know what hidden gems may be hiding in the area. Plus, you might make friends with a local who can show you around. Just stay safe and use good judgement.
4. Go during off seasons:
I can’t tell you how many great deals I’ve found from simply traveling during the off season. Some of my favorite sites to find cheap deals include:
5. Do a work-away:
If you are looking to get immersed in a culture checking into a work away might be for you. There are plenty of programs and places that allow you to work and live abroad.
6. Stay in a hostel or Airbnb:
Hostels and Airbnb are a good alternative for staying in a hotel. Always do your research and look at reviews before booking. I love staying in Airbnb’s because of the homey aspect and of course the great prices.
7. Travel Light:
I know it’s hard but if you want to save then sticking with a small carry on suitcase and backpack can help. Pack what you need and leave room for souvenirs! My husband Kieran and I like to buy a fridge magnet from every place we travel.
8. Cook for yourself:
Cooking in a new place can be just a fun as eating out and it saves you money. Go to the store and find a meal that’s specific to the area and give it a try. Look for fun ingredients or fruit you’ve never had before. When I lived in Australia I got to try a few things I’ve never tasted like, kidney pie, vegemite and Tim Tams!
9. Ask others what they have done:
Phone a friend. Ask other people who have traveled what they did and compare reviews. You never know what you mind find out! Staying in a friend’s home is another great way to save.
10. Take mini vacations:
It’s important to remember that vacation doesn’t always need to be a foreign country or an exotic beach some place. You can find a little get away not far from home and take a breather for a night. Act like a tourist and explore local iconic spots.
I hope this helps! Leave me a comment and tell me your favorite vacation or travel tip!